description: 'Disallow type arguments that are equal to the default.'

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

> 🛑 This file is source code, not the primary documentation location! 🛑
> See **https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-unnecessary-type-arguments** for documentation.

Type parameters in TypeScript may specify a default value.
For example:

function f<T = number>(/* ... */) {
  // ...

It is redundant to provide an explicit type parameter equal to that default: e.g. calling `f<number>(...)`.
This rule reports when an explicitly specified type argument is the default for that type parameter.

## Examples

<TabItem value="❌ Incorrect">

function f<T = number>() {}

function g<T = number, U = string>() {}
g<string, string>();

class C<T = number> {}
new C<number>();

class D extends C<number> {}

interface I<T = number> {}
class Impl implements I<number> {}

<TabItem value="✅ Correct">

function f<T = number>() {}

function g<T = number, U = string>() {}
g<number, number>();

class C<T = number> {}
new C();
new C<string>();

class D extends C {}
class D extends C<string> {}

interface I<T = number> {}
class Impl implements I<string> {}


## When Not To Use It

If you prefer explicitly specifying type parameters even when they are equal to the default, you can skip this rule.