"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); const ShaderPass = require("./ShaderPass.cjs"); const LUTShader = { defines: { USE_3DTEXTURE: 1 }, uniforms: { lut3d: { value: null }, lut: { value: null }, lutSize: { value: 0 }, tDiffuse: { value: null }, intensity: { value: 1 } }, vertexShader: ( /* glsl */ ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); } ` ), fragmentShader: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform float lutSize; #if USE_3DTEXTURE precision highp sampler3D; uniform sampler3D lut3d; #else uniform sampler2D lut; vec3 lutLookup( sampler2D tex, float size, vec3 rgb ) { float sliceHeight = 1.0 / size; float yPixelHeight = 1.0 / ( size * size ); // Get the slices on either side of the sample float slice = rgb.b * size; float interp = fract( slice ); float slice0 = slice - interp; float centeredInterp = interp - 0.5; float slice1 = slice0 + sign( centeredInterp ); // Pull y sample in by half a pixel in each direction to avoid color // bleeding from adjacent slices. float greenOffset = clamp( rgb.g * sliceHeight, yPixelHeight * 0.5, sliceHeight - yPixelHeight * 0.5 ); vec2 uv0 = vec2( rgb.r, slice0 * sliceHeight + greenOffset ); vec2 uv1 = vec2( rgb.r, slice1 * sliceHeight + greenOffset ); vec3 sample0 = texture2D( tex, uv0 ).rgb; vec3 sample1 = texture2D( tex, uv1 ).rgb; return mix( sample0, sample1, abs( centeredInterp ) ); } #endif varying vec2 vUv; uniform float intensity; uniform sampler2D tDiffuse; void main() { vec4 val = texture2D( tDiffuse, vUv ); vec4 lutVal; // pull the sample in by half a pixel so the sample begins // at the center of the edge pixels. float pixelWidth = 1.0 / lutSize; float halfPixelWidth = 0.5 / lutSize; vec3 uvw = vec3( halfPixelWidth ) + val.rgb * ( 1.0 - pixelWidth ); #if USE_3DTEXTURE lutVal = vec4( texture( lut3d, uvw ).rgb, val.a ); #else lutVal = vec4( lutLookup( lut, lutSize, uvw ), val.a ); #endif gl_FragColor = vec4( mix( val, lutVal, intensity ) ); } ` ) }; class LUTPass extends ShaderPass.ShaderPass { set lut(v) { const material = this.material; if (v !== this.lut) { material.uniforms.lut3d.value = null; material.uniforms.lut.value = null; if (v) { const is3dTextureDefine = v.isData3DTexture ? 1 : 0; if (is3dTextureDefine !== material.defines.USE_3DTEXTURE) { material.defines.USE_3DTEXTURE = is3dTextureDefine; material.needsUpdate = true; } material.uniforms.lutSize.value = v.image.width; if (v.isData3DTexture) { material.uniforms.lut3d.value = v; } else { material.uniforms.lut.value = v; } } } } get lut() { return this.material.uniforms.lut.value || this.material.uniforms.lut3d.value; } set intensity(v) { this.material.uniforms.intensity.value = v; } get intensity() { return this.material.uniforms.intensity.value; } constructor(options = {}) { super(LUTShader); this.lut = options.lut || null; this.intensity = "intensity" in options ? options.intensity : 1; } } exports.LUTPass = LUTPass; //# sourceMappingURL=LUTPass.cjs.map