#pragma warning disable 168, 618
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TriLibCore.Mappers;
using TriLibCore.Utils;
using UnityEngine;
using FileMode = System.IO.FileMode;
using HumanDescription = UnityEngine.HumanDescription;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime;
using TriLibCore.Extensions;
using TriLibCore.General;
using TriLibCore.Interfaces;
using TriLibCore.Materials;
using TriLibCore.Textures;
using TriLibCore.Gltf.Reader;
using TriLibCore.Gltf.Draco;
using TriLibCore.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
namespace TriLibCore
/// Represents the main class containing methods to load the Models.
public static partial class AssetLoader
/// Asset Loader Options validation message.
private const string ValidationMessage = "You can disable these validations in the 'Edit->Project Settings->TriLib' menu.";
/// Constant that defines the namespace used by TriLib Mappers.
private const string TriLibMappersNamespace = "TriLibCore.Mappers";
/// Loads a Model from the given path asynchronously.
/// The Model file path.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model is loaded but resources may still pending.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model and resources are loaded.
/// The Method to call when the Model loading progress changes.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Turn on this field to avoid loading the model immediately and chain the Tasks.
/// The method to call on the parallel Thread before the Unity objects are created.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromFile(string path,
Action onLoad = null,
Action onMaterialsLoad = null,
Action onProgress = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool haltTask = false,
Action onPreLoad = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ? assetLoaderOptions : CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Filename = path,
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(path),
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
OnMaterialsLoad = onMaterialsLoad,
OnLoad = onLoad,
OnProgress = onProgress,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
OnPreLoad = onPreLoad,
CustomData = customContextData,
HaltTasks = haltTask,
Async = false,
Async = true,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given Stream asynchronously.
/// The Stream containing the Model data.
/// The Model filename.
/// The Model file extension. (Eg.: fbx)
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model is loaded but resources may still pending.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when the Model and resources are loaded.
/// The Method to call when the Model loading progress changes.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Turn on this field to avoid loading the model immediately and chain the Tasks.
/// The method to call on the parallel Thread before the Unity objects are created.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromStream(Stream stream,
string filename = null,
string fileExtension = null,
Action onLoad = null,
Action onMaterialsLoad = null,
Action onProgress = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool haltTask = false,
Action onPreLoad = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ? assetLoaderOptions : CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Stream = stream,
Filename = filename,
FileExtension = fileExtension ?? FileUtils.GetFileExtension(filename, false),
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(filename),
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
OnMaterialsLoad = onMaterialsLoad,
OnLoad = onLoad,
OnProgress = onProgress,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
OnPreLoad = onPreLoad,
CustomData = customContextData,
HaltTasks = haltTask,
Async = false,
Async = true,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given path synchronously.
/// The Model file path.
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromFileNoThread(string path,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ? assetLoaderOptions : CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Filename = path,
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(path),
CustomData = customContextData,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
Async = false,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Loads a Model from the given Stream synchronously.
/// The Stream containing the Model data.
/// The Model filename.
/// The Model file extension. (Eg.: fbx)
/// The Method to call on the Main Thread when any error occurs.
/// The Game Object that will be the parent of the loaded Game Object. Can be null.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
/// The Custom Data that will be passed along the Context.
/// Indicates whether to load from a Zip file.
/// The Asset Loader Context, containing Model loading information and the output Game Object.
public static AssetLoaderContext LoadModelFromStreamNoThread(Stream stream,
string filename = null,
string fileExtension = null,
Action onError = null,
GameObject wrapperGameObject = null,
AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions = null,
object customContextData = null,
bool isZipFile = false)
var assetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext
Options = assetLoaderOptions ? assetLoaderOptions : CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(),
Stream = stream,
Filename = filename,
FileExtension = fileExtension ?? FileUtils.GetFileExtension(filename, false),
BasePath = FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(filename),
CustomData = customContextData,
HandleError = HandleError,
OnError = onError,
WrapperGameObject = wrapperGameObject,
Async = false,
IsZipFile = isZipFile,
PersistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath
return assetLoaderContext;
/// Begins the model loading process.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadModelInternal(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.CompactHeap)
GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
var threadName = "TriLib_LoadModelFromStream";
string threadName = null;
var fileExtension = assetLoaderContext.FileExtension;
if (fileExtension == null && assetLoaderContext.Filename != null)
fileExtension = FileUtils.GetFileExtension(assetLoaderContext.Filename, false);
if (fileExtension == "zip")
/// Validates the given AssetLoaderOptions.
/// The options to use when loading the Model.
private static void ValidateAssetLoaderOptions(AssetLoaderOptions assetLoaderOptions)
if (assetLoaderOptions.EnableProfiler) {
assetLoaderOptions.EnableProfiler = false;
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib: The built in profiler has been disabled as it does not work with IL2CPP builds.");
if (GraphicsSettingsUtils.IsUsingUniversalPipeline && assetLoaderOptions.LoadTexturesAsSRGB)
Debug.LogWarning("Textures must be loaded as Linear on the UniversalRP. The \"AssetLoaderOptions.LoadTexturesAsSRGB\" option will be changed automatically.");
assetLoaderOptions.LoadTexturesAsSRGB = false;
if (assetLoaderOptions.GetCompatibleTextureFormat || assetLoaderOptions.EnforceAlphaChannelTextures)
Debug.LogWarning("On some platforms, disabling the \"AssetLoaderOptions.GetCompatibleTextureFormat\" and \"AssetLoaderOptions.EnforceAlphaChannelTextures\" options can improve memory usage, but it could cause issues on other platforms. Turning off these options and testing your loader routine are encouraged.");
if (!assetLoaderOptions.UseUnityNativeTextureLoader)
Debug.LogWarning("Please consider enabling your \"AssetLoaderOptions.UseUnityNativeTextureLoader\" field. That will narrow down the accepted image file formats to PNG and JPG, but this method is faster than the default TriLib StbImage.");
if (!assetLoaderOptions.UseUnityNativeNormalCalculator)
Debug.LogWarning("Please consider enabling your \"AssetLoaderOptions.UseUnityNativeNormalCalculator\" field. That will simplify the normal calculation algorithm but is faster than the default TriLib normal calculator.");
if (assetLoaderOptions.CompactHeap)
Debug.LogWarning("Heap compactation only works on UWP compilations. You can safely disable your \"AssetLoaderOptions.CompactHeap\" field.");
if (assetLoaderOptions.ExtractEmbeddedData)
Debug.LogWarning("You have enabled TriLib embedded data caching. Some platforms like Android, iOS, and UWP require special permission to access temporary file folders. If you are getting file-system errors when loading your models. Try setting your \"AssetLoaderOptions.ExtractEmbeddedData\" field value to \"false\".");
if (!assetLoaderOptions.UseCoroutines)
Debug.LogWarning("Please consider enabling your \"AssetLoaderOptions.UseCoroutines\" field. That might prevent your browser from showing \"The page is not responding\" messages.");
private static Object LoadOrCreateScriptableObject(string type, string @namespace, string subFolder)
string mappersFilePath;
var triLibMapperAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("TriLibMappersPlaceholder");
if (triLibMapperAssets.Length > 0)
mappersFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(triLibMapperAssets[0]);
throw new Exception("Could not find \"TriLibMappersPlaceholder\" file. Please re-import TriLib package.");
var mappersDirectory = $"{FileUtils.GetFileDirectory(mappersFilePath)}";
var assetDirectory = $"{mappersDirectory}/{subFolder}";
if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(assetDirectory))
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(mappersDirectory, subFolder);
var assetPath = $"{assetDirectory}/{type}.asset";
var scriptableObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Object));
if (scriptableObject == null)
scriptableObject = CreateScriptableObjectSafe(type, @namespace);
if (scriptableObject != null)
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(scriptableObject, assetPath);
return scriptableObject;
/// Creates an Asset Loader Options with the default settings and Mappers.
/// Indicates whether created Scriptable Objects will be saved as assets.
/// Pass `true `if you are caching your AssetLoaderOptions instance.
/// The Asset Loader Options containing the default settings.
public static AssetLoaderOptions CreateDefaultLoaderOptions(bool generateAssets = false, bool supressWarning = false)
if (!supressWarning)
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib: You are creating a new AssetLoaderOptions instance. If you are caching this instance and don't want this message to be displayed again, pass `false` to the `supressWarning` parameter of `CreateDefaultLoaderOptions` call.");
var assetLoaderOptions = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
ByBonesRootBoneMapper byBonesRootBoneMapper;
if (generateAssets)
byBonesRootBoneMapper = (ByBonesRootBoneMapper)LoadOrCreateScriptableObject("ByBonesRootBoneMapper", TriLibMappersNamespace, "RootBone");
byBonesRootBoneMapper = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
byBonesRootBoneMapper = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
byBonesRootBoneMapper.name = "ByBonesRootBoneMapper";
assetLoaderOptions.RootBoneMapper = byBonesRootBoneMapper;
var materialMappers = new List();
for (var i = 0; i < MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers.Count; i++)
var materialMapperName = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers[i];
var materialMapperNamespace = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMapperNamespaces[i];
if (materialMapperName == null)
MaterialMapper materialMapper;
if (generateAssets)
materialMapper = LoadOrCreateScriptableObject(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace, "Material") as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = LoadOrCreateScriptableObjectSafe(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace, "Mappers/Material", true) as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = LoadOrCreateScriptableObjectSafe(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace, "Mappers/Material", true) as MaterialMapper;
materialMapper = null;
if (materialMapper is object)
materialMapper.name = materialMapperName;
if (materialMapper.IsCompatible(null))
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(materialMapper);
if (assetPath == null)
if (materialMappers.Count == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("TriLib could not find any suitable MaterialMapper on the project.");
assetLoaderOptions.MaterialMappers = materialMappers.ToArray();
return assetLoaderOptions;
/// Tries to create a ScriptableObject with the given parameters, without throwing an internal Exception.
/// The ScriptableObject type name.
/// The ScriptableObject type namespace.
/// The created ScriptableObject, or null.
private static ScriptableObject CreateScriptableObjectSafe(string typeName, string typeNamespace)
var type = Type.GetType($"{typeNamespace}.{typeName}");
return type != null ? ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeName) : null;
/// Tries to load an ScriptableObject, or creates it with the given parameters if the ScriptableObject can't be found.
/// The ScriptableObject type name.
/// The ScriptableObject type namespace.
/// The directory where the ScriptableObject instance might be.
/// Turn on this field to instantiate the ScriptableObject.
/// The created ScriptableObject, or null.
public static ScriptableObject LoadOrCreateScriptableObjectSafe(string typeName, string typeNamespace, string directory, bool instantiate)
var scriptableObject = Resources.Load($"{directory}/{typeName}");
if (scriptableObject == null)
var type = Type.GetType($"{typeNamespace}.{typeName}");
return type != null ? ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeName) : null;
return instantiate ? Object.Instantiate(scriptableObject) : scriptableObject;
/// Returns the Material Mapper configured for the Unity project.
/// Pass true to instantiate a new Material Mapper, or false to use the Material Mapper prefab instead.
/// The Material Mapper configured for the project, if there is any. Otherwise, null.
public static MaterialMapper GetSelectedMaterialMapper(bool instantiate)
for (var i = 0; i < MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers.Count; i++)
var materialMapperName = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMappers[i];
var materialMapperNamespace = MaterialMapper.RegisteredMapperNamespaces[i];
if (TriLibSettings.GetBool(materialMapperName))
return LoadOrCreateScriptableObjectSafe(materialMapperName, materialMapperNamespace, "Mappers/Materials", instantiate) as MaterialMapper;
return null;
/// Gets the name of a compatible Material Mapper based on the render pipeline.
/// The Material Mapper name, if found. Otherwise null.
public static string GetCompatibleMaterialMapperName()
string materialMapper;
if (GraphicsSettingsUtils.IsUsingHDRPPipeline)
materialMapper = "HDRPMaterialMapper";
else if (GraphicsSettingsUtils.IsUsingUniversalPipeline)
materialMapper = "UniversalRPMaterialMapper";
materialMapper = "StandardMaterialMapper";
return materialMapper;
private static IEnumerator CreateRootModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var transform = assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject != null ? assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject.transform : null;
var rootModel = assetLoaderContext.RootModel;
foreach (var item in CreateModel(assetLoaderContext, transform, rootModel, rootModel, true))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in ProcessMaterials(assetLoaderContext))
yield return item;
private static void PostProcessModels(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.localScale.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
SetupModelLod(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.RootModel);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None || assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportBlendShapes)
SetupModelBones(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.RootModel);
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.isStatic = assetLoaderContext.Options.Static;
/// Configures the context Model LODs (levels-of-detail) if there are any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model containing the LOD data.
private static void SetupModelLod(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IModel model)
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
var lodModels = new Dictionary>(model.Children.Count);
var minLod = int.MaxValue;
var maxLod = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
var match = Regex.Match(child.Name, "_LOD(?[0-9]+)|LOD_(?[0-9]+)");
if (match.Success)
var lodNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["number"].Value);
minLod = Mathf.Min(lodNumber, minLod);
maxLod = Mathf.Max(lodNumber, maxLod);
if (!lodModels.TryGetValue(lodNumber, out var renderers))
renderers = new List();
lodModels.Add(lodNumber, renderers);
if (lodModels.Count > 1)
var newGameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[model];
var lods = new List(lodModels.Count + 1);
var lodGroup = newGameObject.AddComponent();
var lastPosition = assetLoaderContext.Options.LODScreenRelativeTransitionHeightBase;
for (var i = minLod; i <= maxLod; i++)
if (lodModels.TryGetValue(i, out var renderers))
lods.Add(new LOD(lastPosition, renderers.ToArray()));
lastPosition *= 0.5f;
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
SetupModelLod(assetLoaderContext, child);
/// Builds the Game Object Converts hierarchy paths.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void BuildGameObjectsPaths(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
foreach (var value in assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.Values)
assetLoaderContext.GameObjectPaths.Add(value, value.transform.BuildPath(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform));
/// Configures the context Model rigging if there is any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void SetupRig(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var animations = assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations;
AnimationClip[] animationClips = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.Humanoid || animations != null && animations.Count > 0)
switch (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType)
case AnimationType.Legacy:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
case AnimationType.Generic:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AvatarDefinition == AvatarDefinitionType.CopyFromOtherAvatar)
animator.avatar = assetLoaderContext.Options.Avatar;
SetupGenericAvatar(assetLoaderContext, animator);
case AnimationType.Humanoid:
SetupAnimationComponents(assetLoaderContext, animations, out animationClips, out var animator, out var unityAnimation);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AvatarDefinition == AvatarDefinitionType.CopyFromOtherAvatar)
animator.avatar = assetLoaderContext.Options.Avatar;
else if (assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper != null)
SetupHumanoidAvatar(assetLoaderContext, animator);
if (animationClips != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
foreach (var animationClipMapper in assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationClipMappers)
animationClips = animationClipMapper.MapArray(assetLoaderContext, animationClips);
if (animationClips != null && animationClips.Length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
var animationClip = animationClips[i];
/// Creates animation components for the given context.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animations loaded for the Model.
/// The AnimationClips that will be created for the Model.
/// The Animator that will be created for the Model.
/// The Animation Component that will be created for the Model.
private static void SetupAnimationComponents(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IList animations, out AnimationClip[] animationClips, out Animator animator, out Animation unityAnimation)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.Legacy && assetLoaderContext.Options.EnforceAnimatorWithLegacyAnimations || assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.Legacy)
animator = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.AddComponent();
animator = null;
unityAnimation = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.AddComponent();
unityAnimation.playAutomatically = assetLoaderContext.Options.AutomaticallyPlayLegacyAnimations;
unityAnimation.wrapMode = assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationWrapMode;
if (animations != null)
animationClips = new AnimationClip[animations.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < animations.Count; i++)
var triLibAnimation = animations[i];
var animationClip = CreateAnimation(assetLoaderContext, triLibAnimation);
unityAnimation.AddClip(animationClip, animationClip.name);
animationClips[i] = animationClip;
assetLoaderContext.Reader.UpdateLoadingPercentage(i, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.PostProcessAnimationClips, animations.Count);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AutomaticallyPlayLegacyAnimations && animationClips.Length > 0)
unityAnimation.clip = animationClips[0];
animationClips = null;
/// Creates a Skeleton Bone for the given Transform.
/// The bone Transform to use on the Skeleton Bone.
/// The created Skeleton Bone.
private static SkeletonBone CreateSkeletonBone(Transform boneTransform)
var skeletonBone = new SkeletonBone
name = boneTransform.name,
position = boneTransform.localPosition,
rotation = boneTransform.localRotation,
scale = boneTransform.localScale
return skeletonBone;
/// Creates a Human Bone for the given Bone Mapping, containing the relationship between the Transform and Bone.
/// The Bone Mapping used to create the Human Bone, containing the information used to search for bones.
/// The bone name to use on the created Human Bone.
/// The created Human Bone.
private static HumanBone CreateHumanBone(BoneMapping boneMapping, string boneName)
var humanBone = new HumanBone
boneName = boneName,
humanName = GetHumanBodyName(boneMapping.HumanBone),
limit =
useDefaultValues = boneMapping.HumanLimit.useDefaultValues,
axisLength = boneMapping.HumanLimit.axisLength,
center = boneMapping.HumanLimit.center,
max = boneMapping.HumanLimit.max,
min = boneMapping.HumanLimit.min
return humanBone;
/// Returns the given Human Body Bones name as String.
/// The Human Body Bones to get the name from.
/// The Human Body Bones name.
private static string GetHumanBodyName(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBones)
return HumanTrait.BoneName[(int)humanBodyBones];
/// Creates a Generic Avatar to the given context Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animator assigned to the given Context Root Game Object.
private static void SetupGenericAvatar(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Animator animator)
var parent = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.parent;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(null, true);
var bones = new List();
assetLoaderContext.RootModel.GetBones(assetLoaderContext, bones);
var rootBone = assetLoaderContext.Options.RootBoneMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, bones);
var avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildGenericAvatar(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject, rootBone != null ? rootBone.name : "");
avatar.name = $"{assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.name}Avatar";
animator.avatar = avatar;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(parent, true);
/// Creates a Humanoid Avatar to the given context Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animator assigned to the given Context Root Game Object.
private static void SetupHumanoidAvatar(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Animator animator)
var valid = false;
var mapping = assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext);
if (mapping.Count > 0)
var parent = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.parent;
var rootGameObjectPosition = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.position;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(null, false);
assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanoidAvatarMapper.PostSetup(assetLoaderContext, mapping);
Transform hipsTransform = null;
var humanBones = new HumanBone[mapping.Count];
var boneIndex = 0;
foreach (var kvp in mapping)
if (kvp.Key.HumanBone == HumanBodyBones.Hips)
hipsTransform = kvp.Value;
humanBones[boneIndex++] = CreateHumanBone(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.name);
if (hipsTransform != null)
var skeletonBones = new Dictionary();
var bounds = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.CalculateBounds();
var toBottom = bounds.min.y;
if (toBottom < 0f)
var hipsTransformPosition = hipsTransform.position;
hipsTransformPosition.y -= toBottom;
hipsTransform.position = hipsTransformPosition;
var toCenter = Vector3.zero - bounds.center;
toCenter.y = 0f;
if (toCenter.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
var hipsTransformPosition = hipsTransform.position;
hipsTransformPosition += toCenter;
hipsTransform.position = hipsTransformPosition;
foreach (var kvp in assetLoaderContext.GameObjects)
if (!skeletonBones.ContainsKey(kvp.Value.transform))
skeletonBones.Add(kvp.Value.transform, CreateSkeletonBone(kvp.Value.transform));
var triLibHumanDescription = assetLoaderContext.Options.HumanDescription ?? new General.HumanDescription();
var humanDescription = new HumanDescription
armStretch = triLibHumanDescription.armStretch,
feetSpacing = triLibHumanDescription.feetSpacing,
hasTranslationDoF = triLibHumanDescription.hasTranslationDof,
legStretch = triLibHumanDescription.legStretch,
lowerArmTwist = triLibHumanDescription.lowerArmTwist,
lowerLegTwist = triLibHumanDescription.lowerLegTwist,
upperArmTwist = triLibHumanDescription.upperArmTwist,
upperLegTwist = triLibHumanDescription.upperLegTwist,
skeleton = skeletonBones.Values.ToArray(),
human = humanBones
var avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar(assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject, humanDescription);
avatar.name = $"{assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.name}Avatar";
animator.avatar = avatar;
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.SetParent(parent, false);
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.position = rootGameObjectPosition;
valid = animator.avatar.isValid || !assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings;
if (!valid)
Debug.LogWarning($"Could not create an Avatar for the model \"{(assetLoaderContext.Filename == null ? "Unknown" : FileUtils.GetShortFilename(assetLoaderContext.Filename))}\"");
/// Converts the given Model into a Game Object.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The parent Game Object Transform.
/// The root Model.
/// The Model to convert.
/// Is this the first node in the Model hierarchy?
private static IEnumerable CreateModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, Transform parentTransform, IRootModel rootModel, IModel model, bool isRootGameObject)
var newGameObject = new GameObject(model.Name);
assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.Add(model, newGameObject);
assetLoaderContext.Models.Add(newGameObject, model);
newGameObject.transform.parent = parentTransform;
newGameObject.transform.localPosition = model.LocalPosition;
newGameObject.transform.localRotation = model.LocalRotation;
newGameObject.transform.localScale = model.LocalScale;
if (model.GeometryGroup != null)
foreach (var item in CreateGeometry(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject, rootModel, model))
yield return item;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportCameras && model is ICamera camera)
CreateCamera(assetLoaderContext, camera, newGameObject);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportLights && model is ILight light)
CreateLight(assetLoaderContext, light, newGameObject);
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var child = model.Children[i];
foreach (var item in CreateModel(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject.transform, rootModel, child, false))
yield return item;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.UserPropertiesMapper != null && model.UserProperties != null)
foreach (var userProperty in model.UserProperties)
assetLoaderContext.Options.UserPropertiesMapper.OnProcessUserData(assetLoaderContext, newGameObject, userProperty.Key, userProperty.Value);
if (isRootGameObject)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject = newGameObject;
/// Converts the given model light, if present into a Light.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model.
/// The Model Game Object.
private static void CreateLight(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, ILight light, GameObject newGameObject)
var unityLight = newGameObject.AddComponent();
unityLight.color = light.Color;
unityLight.innerSpotAngle = light.InnerSpotAngle;
unityLight.spotAngle = light.OuterSpotAngle;
unityLight.intensity = light.Intensity;
unityLight.range = light.Range;
unityLight.type = light.LightType;
unityLight.shadows = light.CastShadows ? LightShadows.Soft : LightShadows.None;
unityLight.areaSize = new Vector2(light.Width, light.Height);
/// Converts the given model camera, if present into a Camera.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model.
/// The Model Game Object.
private static void CreateCamera(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, ICamera camera, GameObject newGameObject)
var unityCamera = newGameObject.AddComponent();
unityCamera.aspect = camera.AspectRatio;
unityCamera.orthographic = camera.Ortographic;
unityCamera.orthographicSize = camera.OrtographicSize;
unityCamera.fieldOfView = camera.FieldOfView;
unityCamera.nearClipPlane = camera.NearClipPlane;
unityCamera.farClipPlane = camera.FarClipPlane;
unityCamera.focalLength = camera.FocalLength;
unityCamera.sensorSize = camera.SensorSize;
unityCamera.lensShift = camera.LensShift;
unityCamera.gateFit = camera.GateFitMode;
unityCamera.usePhysicalProperties = camera.PhysicalCamera;
unityCamera.enabled = true;
/// Configures the given Model skinning if there is any.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Model containing the bones.
private static void SetupModelBones(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IModel model)
var loadedGameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[model];
var skinnedMeshRenderer = loadedGameObject.GetComponent();
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
var bones = model.Bones;
if (bones != null && bones.Count > 0)
var boneIndex = 0;
var gameObjectBones = new Transform[bones.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < bones.Count; i++)
var bone = bones[i];
gameObjectBones[boneIndex++] = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[bone].transform;
skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = gameObjectBones;
skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone = assetLoaderContext.Options.RootBoneMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, gameObjectBones);
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = model.GeometryGroup.Mesh;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer.bounds.size.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
skinnedMeshRenderer.localBounds = loadedGameObject.CalculateBounds(true);
if (model.Children != null && model.Children.Count > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < model.Children.Count; i++)
var subModel = model.Children[i];
SetupModelBones(assetLoaderContext, subModel);
/// Converts the given Animation into an Animation Clip.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Animation to convert.
/// The converted Animation Clip.
private static AnimationClip CreateAnimation(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, IAnimation animation)
var animationClip = new AnimationClip { name = animation.Name, legacy = true, frameRate = animation.FrameRate };
var animationCurveBindings = animation.AnimationCurveBindings;
if (animationCurveBindings == null)
return animationClip;
for (var i = animationCurveBindings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var animationCurveBinding = animationCurveBindings[i];
var animationCurves = animationCurveBinding.AnimationCurves;
if (!assetLoaderContext.GameObjects.ContainsKey(animationCurveBinding.Model))
var gameObject = assetLoaderContext.GameObjects[animationCurveBinding.Model];
for (var j = 0; j < animationCurves.Count; j++)
var animationCurve = animationCurves[j];
var unityAnimationCurve = animationCurve.AnimationCurve;
var gameObjectPath = assetLoaderContext.GameObjectPaths[gameObject];
var propertyName = animationCurve.Property;
var propertyType = animationCurve.AnimatedType;
animationClip.SetCurve(gameObjectPath, propertyType, propertyName, unityAnimationCurve);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.EnsureQuaternionContinuity)
return animationClip;
/// Converts the given Geometry Group into a Mesh.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
/// The Game Object where the Mesh belongs.
/// The root Model.
/// The Model used to generate the Game Object.
private static IEnumerable CreateGeometry(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext, GameObject meshGameObject, IRootModel rootModel, IModel meshModel)
var geometryGroup = meshModel.GeometryGroup;
if (geometryGroup.GeometriesData != null)
if (geometryGroup.Mesh == null)
geometryGroup.GenerateMesh(assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType == AnimationType.None ? null : meshModel.BindPoses, meshModel.MaterialIndices);
foreach (var item in assetLoaderContext.ReleaseMainThread())
yield return item;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MarkMeshesAsDynamic)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
foreach (var lipSyncMapper in assetLoaderContext.Options.LipSyncMappers)
if (lipSyncMapper.Map(assetLoaderContext, geometryGroup, out var visemeToBlendTargets))
var lipSyncMapping = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
lipSyncMapping.VisemeToBlendTargets = visemeToBlendTargets;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.GenerateColliders)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations != null && assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllAnimations.Count > 0 && assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Adding a MeshCollider to an animated object.");
var meshCollider = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshCollider.convex = assetLoaderContext.Options.ConvexColliders;
meshCollider.sharedMesh = geometryGroup.Mesh;
foreach (var item in assetLoaderContext.ReleaseMainThread())
yield return item;
Renderer renderer = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None || assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportBlendShapes)
var bones = assetLoaderContext.Options.AddAllBonesToSkinnedMeshRenderers ? GetAllBonesRecursive(assetLoaderContext) : meshModel.Bones;
var geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings = geometryGroup.BlendShapeKeys;
if ((bones != null && bones.Count > 0 || geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings != null && geometryGroupBlendShapeGeometryBindings.Count > 0) && assetLoaderContext.Options.AnimationType != AnimationType.None)
var skinnedMeshRenderer = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
skinnedMeshRenderer.enabled = !assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportVisibility || meshModel.Visibility;
renderer = skinnedMeshRenderer;
if (renderer == null)
var meshFilter = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshFilter.sharedMesh = geometryGroup.Mesh;
if (!assetLoaderContext.Options.LoadPointClouds)
var meshRenderer = meshGameObject.AddComponent();
meshRenderer.enabled = !assetLoaderContext.Options.ImportVisibility || meshModel.Visibility;
renderer = meshRenderer;
if (renderer != null)
Material loadingMaterial = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
for (var i = 0; i < assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers.Length; i++)
var mapper = assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers[i];
if (mapper != null && mapper.IsCompatible(null))
loadingMaterial = mapper.LoadingMaterial;
var unityMaterials = new Material[geometryGroup.GeometriesData.Count];
if (loadingMaterial == null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a suitable loading Material.");
for (var i = 0; i < unityMaterials.Length; i++)
unityMaterials[i] = loadingMaterial;
renderer.sharedMaterials = unityMaterials;
var materialIndices = meshModel.MaterialIndices;
foreach (var geometryData in geometryGroup.GeometriesData)
var geometry = geometryData.Value;
if (geometry == null)
var originalGeometryIndex = geometry.OriginalIndex;
if (originalGeometryIndex < 0 || originalGeometryIndex >= renderer.sharedMaterials.Length)
var materialIndex = materialIndices[originalGeometryIndex];
IMaterial sourceMaterial;
if (rootModel.AllMaterials == null)
rootModel.AllMaterials = new List();
if (materialIndex < 0 || materialIndex >= rootModel.AllMaterials.Count)
if (!assetLoaderContext.Options.CreateMaterialsForAllModels)
sourceMaterial = new DummyMaterial() { Name = $"{geometryGroup.Name}_{geometry.Index}" };
sourceMaterial = rootModel.AllMaterials[materialIndex];
if (sourceMaterial == null)
if (!assetLoaderContext.Options.CreateMaterialsForAllModels)
sourceMaterial = new DummyMaterial() { Name = $"{geometryGroup.Name}_{geometry.Index}" };
var materialRenderersContext = new MaterialRendererContext
Context = assetLoaderContext,
Renderer = renderer,
GeometryIndex = geometry.Index,
Material = sourceMaterial
if (assetLoaderContext.MaterialRenderers.TryGetValue(sourceMaterial, out var materialRendererContextList))
assetLoaderContext.MaterialRenderers.Add(sourceMaterial, new List { materialRenderersContext });
/// Creates a list with every bone in the loaded model.
private static IList GetAllBonesRecursive(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var bones = new List();
foreach (var model in assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllModels)
if (model.IsBone)
return bones;
/// Loads the root Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
private static void SetupModelLoading(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.Stream == null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assetLoaderContext.Filename))
throw new Exception("TriLib is unable to load the given file.");
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
Array.Sort(assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers, (a, b) => a.CheckingOrder > b.CheckingOrder ? -1 : 1);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Your AssetLoaderOptions instance has no MaterialMappers. TriLib can't process materials without them.");
GltfReader.DracoDecompressorCallback = DracoMeshLoader.DracoDecompressorCallback;
var fileExtension = assetLoaderContext.FileExtension;
if (fileExtension == null)
fileExtension = FileUtils.GetFileExtension(assetLoaderContext.Filename, false);
else if (fileExtension[0] == '.' && fileExtension.Length > 1)
fileExtension = fileExtension.Substring(1);
if (assetLoaderContext.Stream == null)
var fileStream = new FileStream(assetLoaderContext.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
assetLoaderContext.Stream = fileStream;
var reader = Readers.FindReaderForExtension(fileExtension);
if (reader != null)
assetLoaderContext.RootModel = reader.ReadStream(fileStream, assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Filename, assetLoaderContext.OnProgress);
var reader = Readers.FindReaderForExtension(fileExtension);
if (reader != null)
assetLoaderContext.RootModel = reader.ReadStream(assetLoaderContext.Stream, assetLoaderContext, assetLoaderContext.Filename, assetLoaderContext.OnProgress);
throw new Exception("Could not find a suitable reader for the given model. Please fill the 'fileExtension' parameter when calling any model loading method.");
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel == null)
throw new Exception("TriLib could not load the given model.");
/// Processes the root Model.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void ProcessRootModel(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
//Profiler.enabled = false;
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel != null)
var enumerator = CreateRootModel(assetLoaderContext);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.UseCoroutines)
/// Processes the Model Materials, if all source Materials have been loaded.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static IEnumerable ProcessMaterials(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel?.AllMaterials != null && assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count > 0)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers != null)
foreach (var item in ProcessMaterialRenderers(assetLoaderContext))
yield return item;
else if (assetLoaderContext.Options.ShowLoadingWarnings)
Debug.LogWarning("Please specify a TriLib Material Mapper, otherwise Materials can't be created.");
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
/// Loads the unused Textures and adds them to the allocations list.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void LoadUnusedTextures(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllTextures != null)
foreach (var texture in assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllTextures)
var textureLoadingContext = new TextureLoadingContext()
Texture = texture,
Context = assetLoaderContext
if (!assetLoaderContext.TryGetLoadedTexture(textureLoadingContext, out _))
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.UseUnityNativeTextureLoader)
/// Finishes the Model loading, calling the OnMaterialsLoad callback, if present.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static void FinishLoading(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.AddAssetUnloader && (assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null || assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject != null))
var gameObject = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject ?? assetLoaderContext.WrapperGameObject;
var assetUnloader = gameObject.AddComponent();
assetUnloader.Id = AssetUnloader.GetNextId();
assetUnloader.Allocations = assetLoaderContext.Allocations;
assetUnloader.CustomData = assetLoaderContext.CustomData;
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
assetLoaderContext.Reader?.UpdateLoadingPercentage(1f, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.FinishedProcessing);
/// Processes Model Renderers.
/// The Asset Loader Context reference. Asset Loader Context contains the Model loading data.
private static IEnumerable ProcessMaterialRenderers(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext)
var materialMapperContexts = new MaterialMapperContext[assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count; i++)
var material = assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials[i];
var materialMapperContext = new MaterialMapperContext()
Context = assetLoaderContext,
Material = material
materialMapperContexts[i] = materialMapperContext;
for (var j = 0; j < assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers.Length; j++)
var materialMapper = assetLoaderContext.Options.MaterialMappers[j];
if (materialMapper is object && materialMapper.IsCompatible(materialMapperContext))
materialMapperContext.MaterialMapper = materialMapper;
if (materialMapper.UsesCoroutines)
foreach (var item in materialMapper.MapCoroutine(materialMapperContext))
yield return item;
assetLoaderContext.Reader.UpdateLoadingPercentage(i, assetLoaderContext.Reader.LoadingStepsCount + (int)ReaderBase.PostLoadingSteps.PostProcessRenderers, assetLoaderContext.RootModel.AllMaterials.Count);
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DiscardUnusedTextures)
/// Applies the Material from the given context to its Renderers.
/// The source Material Mapper Context, containing the Virtual Material and Unity Material.
private static void ApplyMaterialToRenderers(MaterialMapperContext materialMapperContext)
materialMapperContext.Completed = false;
if (materialMapperContext.Context.MaterialRenderers.TryGetValue(materialMapperContext.Material, out var materialRendererList))
for (var k = 0; k < materialRendererList.Count; k++)
var materialRendererContext = materialRendererList[k];
materialRendererContext.MaterialMapperContext = materialMapperContext;
materialMapperContext.Completed = true;
/// Handles all Model loading errors, unloads the partially loaded Model (if suitable), and calls the error callback (if existing).
/// The Contextualized Error that has occurred.
private static void HandleError(IContextualizedError error)
var exception = error.GetInnerException();
if (error.GetContext() is IAssetLoaderContext context)
var assetLoaderContext = context.Context;
if (assetLoaderContext != null)
if (assetLoaderContext.Options.DestroyOnError && assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject != null)
if (!Application.isPlaying)
assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject = null;
if (assetLoaderContext.OnError != null)
Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(assetLoaderContext.OnError, error);
var contextualizedError = new ContextualizedError