/** * @monogrid/gainmap-js v3.1.0 * With ❤️, by MONOGRID */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('three')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'three'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global["@monogrid/gainmap-js"] = {}, global.three)); })(this, (function (exports, three) { 'use strict'; const getBufferForType = (type, width, height) => { let out; switch (type) { case three.UnsignedByteType: out = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 4); break; case three.HalfFloatType: out = new Uint16Array(width * height * 4); break; case three.UnsignedIntType: out = new Uint32Array(width * height * 4); break; case three.ByteType: out = new Int8Array(width * height * 4); break; case three.ShortType: out = new Int16Array(width * height * 4); break; case three.IntType: out = new Int32Array(width * height * 4); break; case three.FloatType: out = new Float32Array(width * height * 4); break; default: throw new Error('Unsupported data type'); } return out; }; let _canReadPixelsResult; /** * Test if this browser implementation can correctly read pixels from the specified * Render target type. * * Runs only once * * @param type * @param renderer * @param camera * @param renderTargetOptions * @returns */ const canReadPixels = (type, renderer, camera, renderTargetOptions) => { if (_canReadPixelsResult !== undefined) return _canReadPixelsResult; const testRT = new three.WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, renderTargetOptions); renderer.setRenderTarget(testRT); const mesh = new three.Mesh(new three.PlaneGeometry(), new three.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff })); renderer.render(mesh, camera); renderer.setRenderTarget(null); const out = getBufferForType(type, testRT.width, testRT.height); renderer.readRenderTargetPixels(testRT, 0, 0, testRT.width, testRT.height, out); testRT.dispose(); mesh.geometry.dispose(); mesh.material.dispose(); _canReadPixelsResult = out[0] !== 0; return _canReadPixelsResult; }; /** * Utility class used for rendering a texture with a material * * @category Core * @group Core */ class QuadRenderer { /** * Constructs a new QuadRenderer * * @param options Parameters for this QuadRenderer */ constructor(options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r; this._rendererIsDisposable = false; this._supportsReadPixels = true; /** * Renders the input texture using the specified material */ this.render = () => { this._renderer.setRenderTarget(this._renderTarget); try { this._renderer.render(this._scene, this._camera); } catch (e) { this._renderer.setRenderTarget(null); throw e; } this._renderer.setRenderTarget(null); }; this._width = options.width; this._height = options.height; this._type = options.type; this._colorSpace = options.colorSpace; const rtOptions = { // fixed options format: three.RGBAFormat, depthBuffer: false, stencilBuffer: false, // user options type: this._type, // set in class property colorSpace: this._colorSpace, // set in class property anisotropy: ((_a = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.anisotropy) !== undefined ? (_b = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.anisotropy : 1, generateMipmaps: ((_c = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.generateMipmaps) !== undefined ? (_d = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.generateMipmaps : false, magFilter: ((_e = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.magFilter) !== undefined ? (_f = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.magFilter : three.LinearFilter, minFilter: ((_g = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.minFilter) !== undefined ? (_h = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.minFilter : three.LinearFilter, samples: ((_j = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.samples) !== undefined ? (_k = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.samples : undefined, wrapS: ((_l = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.wrapS) !== undefined ? (_m = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.wrapS : three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, wrapT: ((_o = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.wrapT) !== undefined ? (_p = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.wrapT : three.ClampToEdgeWrapping }; this._material = options.material; if (options.renderer) { this._renderer = options.renderer; } else { this._renderer = QuadRenderer.instantiateRenderer(); this._rendererIsDisposable = true; } this._scene = new three.Scene(); this._camera = new three.OrthographicCamera(); this._camera.position.set(0, 0, 10); this._camera.left = -0.5; this._camera.right = 0.5; this._camera.top = 0.5; this._camera.bottom = -0.5; this._camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); if (!canReadPixels(this._type, this._renderer, this._camera, rtOptions)) { let alternativeType; switch (this._type) { case three.HalfFloatType: alternativeType = this._renderer.extensions.has('EXT_color_buffer_float') ? three.FloatType : undefined; break; } if (alternativeType !== undefined) { console.warn(`This browser does not support reading pixels from ${this._type} RenderTargets, switching to ${three.FloatType}`); this._type = alternativeType; } else { this._supportsReadPixels = false; console.warn('This browser dos not support toArray or toDataTexture, calls to those methods will result in an error thrown'); } } this._quad = new three.Mesh(new three.PlaneGeometry(), this._material); this._quad.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); this._scene.add(this._quad); this._renderTarget = new three.WebGLRenderTarget(this.width, this.height, rtOptions); this._renderTarget.texture.mapping = ((_q = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.mapping) !== undefined ? (_r = options.renderTargetOptions) === null || _r === void 0 ? void 0 : _r.mapping : three.UVMapping; } /** * Instantiates a temporary renderer * * @returns */ static instantiateRenderer() { const renderer = new three.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(128, 128); // renderer.outputColorSpace = SRGBColorSpace // renderer.toneMapping = LinearToneMapping // renderer.debug.checkShaderErrors = false // this._rendererIsDisposable = true return renderer; } /** * Obtains a Buffer containing the rendered texture. * * @throws Error if the browser cannot read pixels from this RenderTarget type. * @returns a TypedArray containing RGBA values from this renderer */ toArray() { if (!this._supportsReadPixels) throw new Error('Can\'t read pixels in this browser'); const out = getBufferForType(this._type, this._width, this._height); this._renderer.readRenderTargetPixels(this._renderTarget, 0, 0, this._width, this._height, out); return out; } /** * Performs a readPixel operation in the renderTarget * and returns a DataTexture containing the read data * * @param options options * @returns */ toDataTexture(options) { const returnValue = new three.DataTexture( // fixed values this.toArray(), this.width, this.height, three.RGBAFormat, this._type, // user values (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.mapping) || three.UVMapping, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.wrapS) || three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.wrapT) || three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.magFilter) || three.LinearFilter, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.minFilter) || three.LinearFilter, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.anisotropy) || 1, // fixed value three.LinearSRGBColorSpace); // set this afterwards, we can't set it in constructor returnValue.generateMipmaps = (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.generateMipmaps) !== undefined ? options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.generateMipmaps : false; return returnValue; } /** * If using a disposable renderer, it will dispose it. */ disposeOnDemandRenderer() { this._renderer.setRenderTarget(null); if (this._rendererIsDisposable) { this._renderer.dispose(); this._renderer.forceContextLoss(); } } /** * Will dispose of **all** assets used by this renderer. * * * @param disposeRenderTarget will dispose of the renderTarget which will not be usable later * set this to true if you passed the `renderTarget.texture` to a `PMREMGenerator` * or are otherwise done with it. * * @example * ```js * const loader = new HDRJPGLoader(renderer) * const result = await loader.loadAsync('gainmap.jpeg') * const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, new MeshBasicMaterial({ map: result.renderTarget.texture }) ) * // DO NOT dispose the renderTarget here, * // it is used directly in the material * result.dispose() * ``` * * @example * ```js * const loader = new HDRJPGLoader(renderer) * const pmremGenerator = new PMREMGenerator( renderer ); * const result = await loader.loadAsync('gainmap.jpeg') * const envMap = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(result.renderTarget.texture) * const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, new MeshStandardMaterial({ envMap }) ) * // renderTarget can be disposed here * // because it was used to generate a PMREM texture * result.dispose(true) * ``` */ dispose(disposeRenderTarget) { this.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); if (disposeRenderTarget) { this.renderTarget.dispose(); } // dispose shader material texture uniforms if (this.material instanceof three.ShaderMaterial) { Object.values(this.material.uniforms).forEach(v => { if (v.value instanceof three.Texture) v.value.dispose(); }); } // dispose other material properties Object.values(this.material).forEach(value => { if (value instanceof three.Texture) value.dispose(); }); this.material.dispose(); this._quad.geometry.dispose(); } /** * Width of the texture */ get width() { return this._width; } set width(value) { this._width = value; this._renderTarget.setSize(this._width, this._height); } /** * Height of the texture */ get height() { return this._height; } set height(value) { this._height = value; this._renderTarget.setSize(this._width, this._height); } /** * The renderer used */ get renderer() { return this._renderer; } /** * The `WebGLRenderTarget` used. */ get renderTarget() { return this._renderTarget; } set renderTarget(value) { this._renderTarget = value; this._width = value.width; this._height = value.height; // this._type = value.texture.type } /** * The `Material` used. */ get material() { return this._material; } /** * */ get type() { return this._type; } get colorSpace() { return this._colorSpace; } } const vertexShader = /* glsl */ ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0); } `; const fragmentShader = /* glsl */ ` // min half float value #define HALF_FLOAT_MIN vec3( -65504, -65504, -65504 ) // max half float value #define HALF_FLOAT_MAX vec3( 65504, 65504, 65504 ) uniform sampler2D sdr; uniform sampler2D gainMap; uniform vec3 gamma; uniform vec3 offsetHdr; uniform vec3 offsetSdr; uniform vec3 gainMapMin; uniform vec3 gainMapMax; uniform float weightFactor; varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vec3 rgb = texture2D( sdr, vUv ).rgb; vec3 recovery = texture2D( gainMap, vUv ).rgb; vec3 logRecovery = pow( recovery, gamma ); vec3 logBoost = gainMapMin * ( 1.0 - logRecovery ) + gainMapMax * logRecovery; vec3 hdrColor = (rgb + offsetSdr) * exp2( logBoost * weightFactor ) - offsetHdr; vec3 clampedHdrColor = max( HALF_FLOAT_MIN, min( HALF_FLOAT_MAX, hdrColor )); gl_FragColor = vec4( clampedHdrColor , 1.0 ); } `; /** * A Material which is able to decode the Gainmap into a full HDR Representation * * @category Materials * @group Materials */ class GainMapDecoderMaterial extends three.ShaderMaterial { /** * * @param params */ constructor({ gamma, offsetHdr, offsetSdr, gainMapMin, gainMapMax, maxDisplayBoost, hdrCapacityMin, hdrCapacityMax, sdr, gainMap }) { super({ name: 'GainMapDecoderMaterial', vertexShader, fragmentShader, uniforms: { sdr: { value: sdr }, gainMap: { value: gainMap }, gamma: { value: new three.Vector3(1.0 / gamma[0], 1.0 / gamma[1], 1.0 / gamma[2]) }, offsetHdr: { value: new three.Vector3().fromArray(offsetHdr) }, offsetSdr: { value: new three.Vector3().fromArray(offsetSdr) }, gainMapMin: { value: new three.Vector3().fromArray(gainMapMin) }, gainMapMax: { value: new three.Vector3().fromArray(gainMapMax) }, weightFactor: { value: (Math.log2(maxDisplayBoost) - hdrCapacityMin) / (hdrCapacityMax - hdrCapacityMin) } }, blending: three.NoBlending, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false }); this._maxDisplayBoost = maxDisplayBoost; this._hdrCapacityMin = hdrCapacityMin; this._hdrCapacityMax = hdrCapacityMax; this.needsUpdate = true; this.uniformsNeedUpdate = true; } get sdr() { return this.uniforms.sdr.value; } set sdr(value) { this.uniforms.sdr.value = value; } get gainMap() { return this.uniforms.gainMap.value; } set gainMap(value) { this.uniforms.gainMap.value = value; } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.offsetHdr} */ get offsetHdr() { return this.uniforms.offsetHdr.value.toArray(); } set offsetHdr(value) { this.uniforms.offsetHdr.value.fromArray(value); } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.offsetSdr} */ get offsetSdr() { return this.uniforms.offsetSdr.value.toArray(); } set offsetSdr(value) { this.uniforms.offsetSdr.value.fromArray(value); } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.gainMapMin} */ get gainMapMin() { return this.uniforms.gainMapMin.value.toArray(); } set gainMapMin(value) { this.uniforms.gainMapMin.value.fromArray(value); } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.gainMapMax} */ get gainMapMax() { return this.uniforms.gainMapMax.value.toArray(); } set gainMapMax(value) { this.uniforms.gainMapMax.value.fromArray(value); } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.gamma} */ get gamma() { const g = this.uniforms.gamma.value; return [1 / g.x, 1 / g.y, 1 / g.z]; } set gamma(value) { const g = this.uniforms.gamma.value; g.x = 1.0 / value[0]; g.y = 1.0 / value[1]; g.z = 1.0 / value[2]; } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.hdrCapacityMin} * @remarks Logarithmic space */ get hdrCapacityMin() { return this._hdrCapacityMin; } set hdrCapacityMin(value) { this._hdrCapacityMin = value; this.calculateWeight(); } /** * @see {@link GainMapMetadata.hdrCapacityMin} * @remarks Logarithmic space */ get hdrCapacityMax() { return this._hdrCapacityMax; } set hdrCapacityMax(value) { this._hdrCapacityMax = value; this.calculateWeight(); } /** * @see {@link GainmapDecodingParameters.maxDisplayBoost} * @remarks Non Logarithmic space */ get maxDisplayBoost() { return this._maxDisplayBoost; } set maxDisplayBoost(value) { this._maxDisplayBoost = Math.max(1, Math.min(65504, value)); this.calculateWeight(); } calculateWeight() { const val = (Math.log2(this._maxDisplayBoost) - this._hdrCapacityMin) / (this._hdrCapacityMax - this._hdrCapacityMin); this.uniforms.weightFactor.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, val)); } } /** * Decodes a gain map using a WebGLRenderTarget * * @category Decoding Functions * @group Decoding Functions * @example * import { decode } from '@monogrid/gainmap-js' * import { * Mesh, * MeshBasicMaterial, * PerspectiveCamera, * PlaneGeometry, * Scene, * TextureLoader, * WebGLRenderer * } from 'three' * * const renderer = new WebGLRenderer() * * const textureLoader = new TextureLoader() * * // load SDR Representation * const sdr = await textureLoader.loadAsync('sdr.jpg') * // load Gain map recovery image * const gainMap = await textureLoader.loadAsync('gainmap.jpg') * // load metadata * const metadata = await (await fetch('metadata.json')).json() * * const result = await decode({ * sdr, * gainMap, * // this allows to use `result.renderTarget.texture` directly * renderer, * // this will restore the full HDR range * maxDisplayBoost: Math.pow(2, metadata.hdrCapacityMax), * ...metadata * }) * * const scene = new Scene() * // `result` can be used to populate a Texture * const mesh = new Mesh( * new PlaneGeometry(), * new MeshBasicMaterial({ map: result.renderTarget.texture }) * ) * scene.add(mesh) * renderer.render(scene, new PerspectiveCamera()) * * // result must be manually disposed * // when you are done using it * result.dispose() * * @param params * @returns * @throws {Error} if the WebGLRenderer fails to render the gain map */ const decode = (params) => { const { sdr, gainMap, renderer } = params; if (sdr.colorSpace !== three.SRGBColorSpace) { console.warn('SDR Colorspace needs to be *SRGBColorSpace*, setting it automatically'); sdr.colorSpace = three.SRGBColorSpace; } sdr.needsUpdate = true; if (gainMap.colorSpace !== three.LinearSRGBColorSpace) { console.warn('Gainmap Colorspace needs to be *LinearSRGBColorSpace*, setting it automatically'); gainMap.colorSpace = three.LinearSRGBColorSpace; } gainMap.needsUpdate = true; const material = new GainMapDecoderMaterial({ ...params, sdr, gainMap }); const quadRenderer = new QuadRenderer({ // TODO: three types are generic, eslint complains here, see how we can solve // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access width: sdr.image.width, // TODO: three types are generic, eslint complains here, see how we can solve // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access height: sdr.image.height, type: three.HalfFloatType, colorSpace: three.LinearSRGBColorSpace, material, renderer, renderTargetOptions: params.renderTargetOptions }); try { quadRenderer.render(); } catch (e) { quadRenderer.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); throw e; } return quadRenderer; }; class GainMapNotFoundError extends Error { } class XMPMetadataNotFoundError extends Error { } const getXMLValue = (xml, tag, defaultValue) => { // Check for attribute format first: tag="value" const attributeMatch = new RegExp(`${tag}="([^"]*)"`, 'i').exec(xml); if (attributeMatch) return attributeMatch[1]; // Check for tag format: value or value... const tagMatch = new RegExp(`<${tag}[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)`, 'i').exec(xml); if (tagMatch) { // Check if it contains rdf:li elements const liValues = tagMatch[1].match(/([^<]*)<\/rdf:li>/g); if (liValues && liValues.length === 3) { return liValues.map(v => v.replace(/<\/?rdf:li>/g, '')); } return tagMatch[1].trim(); } if (defaultValue !== undefined) return defaultValue; throw new Error(`Can't find ${tag} in gainmap metadata`); }; const extractXMP = (input) => { let str; // support node test environment if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') str = new TextDecoder().decode(input); else str = input.toString(); let start = str.indexOf('', start); const xmpBlock = str.slice(start, end + 10); try { const gainMapMin = getXMLValue(xmpBlock, 'hdrgm:GainMapMin', '0'); const gainMapMax = getXMLValue(xmpBlock, 'hdrgm:GainMapMax'); const gamma = getXMLValue(xmpBlock, 'hdrgm:Gamma', '1'); const offsetSDR = getXMLValue(xmpBlock, 'hdrgm:OffsetSDR', '0.015625'); const offsetHDR = getXMLValue(xmpBlock, 'hdrgm:OffsetHDR', '0.015625'); // These are always attributes, so we can use a simpler regex const hdrCapacityMinMatch = /hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin="([^"]*)"/.exec(xmpBlock); const hdrCapacityMin = hdrCapacityMinMatch ? hdrCapacityMinMatch[1] : '0'; const hdrCapacityMaxMatch = /hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax="([^"]*)"/.exec(xmpBlock); if (!hdrCapacityMaxMatch) throw new Error('Incomplete gainmap metadata'); const hdrCapacityMax = hdrCapacityMaxMatch[1]; return { gainMapMin: Array.isArray(gainMapMin) ? gainMapMin.map(v => parseFloat(v)) : [parseFloat(gainMapMin), parseFloat(gainMapMin), parseFloat(gainMapMin)], gainMapMax: Array.isArray(gainMapMax) ? gainMapMax.map(v => parseFloat(v)) : [parseFloat(gainMapMax), parseFloat(gainMapMax), parseFloat(gainMapMax)], gamma: Array.isArray(gamma) ? gamma.map(v => parseFloat(v)) : [parseFloat(gamma), parseFloat(gamma), parseFloat(gamma)], offsetSdr: Array.isArray(offsetSDR) ? offsetSDR.map(v => parseFloat(v)) : [parseFloat(offsetSDR), parseFloat(offsetSDR), parseFloat(offsetSDR)], offsetHdr: Array.isArray(offsetHDR) ? offsetHDR.map(v => parseFloat(v)) : [parseFloat(offsetHDR), parseFloat(offsetHDR), parseFloat(offsetHDR)], hdrCapacityMin: parseFloat(hdrCapacityMin), hdrCapacityMax: parseFloat(hdrCapacityMax) }; } catch (e) { // Continue searching for another xmpmeta block if this one fails } start = str.indexOf(' { const debug = this.options.debug; const dataView = new DataView(imageArrayBuffer.buffer); // If you're executing this line on a big endian machine, it'll be reversed. // bigEnd further down though, refers to the endianness of the image itself. if (dataView.getUint16(0) !== 0xffd8) { reject(new Error('Not a valid jpeg')); return; } const length = dataView.byteLength; let offset = 2; let loops = 0; let marker; // APP# marker while (offset < length) { if (++loops > 250) { reject(new Error(`Found no marker after ${loops} loops 😵`)); return; } if (dataView.getUint8(offset) !== 0xff) { reject(new Error(`Not a valid marker at offset 0x${offset.toString(16)}, found: 0x${dataView.getUint8(offset).toString(16)}`)); return; } marker = dataView.getUint8(offset + 1); if (debug) console.log(`Marker: ${marker.toString(16)}`); if (marker === 0xe2) { if (debug) console.log('Found APP2 marker (0xffe2)'); // Works for iPhone 8 Plus, X, and XSMax. Or any photos of MPF format. // Great way to visualize image information in html is using Exiftool. E.g.: // ./exiftool.exe -htmldump -wantTrailer photo.jpg > photo.html const formatPt = offset + 4; /* * Structure of the MP Format Identifier * * Offset Addr. | Code (Hex) | Description * +00 ff Marker Prefix <-- offset * +01 e2 APP2 * +02 #n APP2 Field Length * +03 #n APP2 Field Length * +04 4d 'M' <-- formatPt * +05 50 'P' * +06 46 'F' * +07 00 NULL * <-- tiffOffset */ if (dataView.getUint32(formatPt) === 0x4d504600) { // Found MPF tag, so we start dig out sub images const tiffOffset = formatPt + 4; let bigEnd; // Endianness from TIFF header // Test for TIFF validity and endianness // 0x4949 and 0x4D4D ('II' and 'MM') marks Little Endian and Big Endian if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset) === 0x4949) { bigEnd = false; } else if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset) === 0x4d4d) { bigEnd = true; } else { reject(new Error('No valid endianness marker found in TIFF header')); return; } if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, !bigEnd) !== 0x002a) { reject(new Error('Not valid TIFF data! (no 0x002A marker)')); return; } // 32 bit number stating the offset from the start of the 8 Byte MP Header // to MP Index IFD Least possible value is thus 8 (means 0 offset) const firstIFDOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, !bigEnd); if (firstIFDOffset < 0x00000008) { reject(new Error('Not valid TIFF data! (First offset less than 8)')); return; } // Move ahead to MP Index IFD // Assume we're at the first IFD, so firstIFDOffset points to // MP Index IFD and not MP Attributes IFD. (If we try extract from a sub image, // we fail silently here due to this assumption) // Count (2 Byte) | MP Index Fields a.k.a. MP Entries (count * 12 Byte) | Offset of Next IFD (4 Byte) const dirStart = tiffOffset + firstIFDOffset; // Start of IFD (Image File Directory) const count = dataView.getUint16(dirStart, !bigEnd); // Count of MPEntries (2 Byte) // Extract info from MPEntries (starting after Count) const entriesStart = dirStart + 2; let numberOfImages = 0; for (let i = entriesStart; i < entriesStart + 12 * count; i += 12) { // Each entry is 12 Bytes long // Check MP Index IFD tags, here we only take tag 0xb001 = Number of images if (dataView.getUint16(i, !bigEnd) === 0xb001) { // stored in Last 4 bytes of its 12 Byte entry. numberOfImages = dataView.getUint32(i + 8, !bigEnd); } } const nextIFDOffsetLen = 4; // 4 Byte offset field that appears after MP Index IFD tags const MPImageListValPt = dirStart + 2 + count * 12 + nextIFDOffsetLen; const images = []; for (let i = MPImageListValPt; i < MPImageListValPt + numberOfImages * 16; i += 16) { const image = { MPType: dataView.getUint32(i, !bigEnd), size: dataView.getUint32(i + 4, !bigEnd), // This offset is specified relative to the address of the MP Endian // field in the MP Header, unless the image is a First Individual Image, // in which case the value of the offset shall be NULL (0x00000000). dataOffset: dataView.getUint32(i + 8, !bigEnd), dependantImages: dataView.getUint32(i + 12, !bigEnd), start: -1, end: -1, isFII: false }; if (!image.dataOffset) { // dataOffset is 0x00000000 for First Individual Image image.start = 0; image.isFII = true; } else { image.start = tiffOffset + image.dataOffset; image.isFII = false; } image.end = image.start + image.size; images.push(image); } if (this.options.extractNonFII && images.length) { const bufferBlob = new Blob([dataView]); const imgs = []; for (const image of images) { if (image.isFII && !this.options.extractFII) { continue; // Skip FII } const imageBlob = bufferBlob.slice(image.start, image.end + 1, 'image/jpeg'); // we don't need this // const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(imageBlob) // image.img = document.createElement('img') // image.img.src = imageUrl imgs.push(imageBlob); } resolve(imgs); } } } offset += 2 + dataView.getUint16(offset + 2); } }); } } /** * Extracts XMP Metadata and the gain map recovery image * from a single JPEG file. * * @category Decoding Functions * @group Decoding Functions * @param jpegFile an `Uint8Array` containing and encoded JPEG file * @returns an sdr `Uint8Array` compressed in JPEG, a gainMap `Uint8Array` compressed in JPEG and the XMP parsed XMP metadata * @throws Error if XMP Metadata is not found * @throws Error if Gain map image is not found * @example * import { FileLoader } from 'three' * import { extractGainmapFromJPEG } from '@monogrid/gainmap-js' * * const jpegFile = await new FileLoader() * .setResponseType('arraybuffer') * .loadAsync('image.jpg') * * const { sdr, gainMap, metadata } = extractGainmapFromJPEG(jpegFile) */ const extractGainmapFromJPEG = async (jpegFile) => { const metadata = extractXMP(jpegFile); if (!metadata) throw new XMPMetadataNotFoundError('Gain map XMP metadata not found'); const mpfExtractor = new MPFExtractor({ extractFII: true, extractNonFII: true }); const images = await mpfExtractor.extract(jpegFile); if (images.length !== 2) throw new GainMapNotFoundError('Gain map recovery image not found'); return { sdr: new Uint8Array(await images[0].arrayBuffer()), gainMap: new Uint8Array(await images[1].arrayBuffer()), metadata }; }; /** * private function, async get image from blob * * @param blob * @returns */ const getHTMLImageFromBlob = (blob) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = () => { resolve(img); }; img.onerror = (e) => { reject(e); }; img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); }; class LoaderBase extends three.Loader { /** * * @param renderer * @param manager */ constructor(renderer, manager) { super(manager); if (renderer) this._renderer = renderer; this._internalLoadingManager = new three.LoadingManager(); } /** * Specify the renderer to use when rendering the gain map * * @param renderer * @returns */ setRenderer(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; return this; } /** * Specify the renderTarget options to use when rendering the gain map * * @param options * @returns */ setRenderTargetOptions(options) { this._renderTargetOptions = options; return this; } /** * @private * @returns */ prepareQuadRenderer() { if (!this._renderer) console.warn('WARNING: An existing WebGL Renderer was not passed to this Loader constructor or in setRenderer, the result of this Loader will need to be converted to a Data Texture with toDataTexture() before you can use it in your renderer.'); // temporary values const material = new GainMapDecoderMaterial({ gainMapMax: [1, 1, 1], gainMapMin: [0, 0, 0], gamma: [1, 1, 1], offsetHdr: [1, 1, 1], offsetSdr: [1, 1, 1], hdrCapacityMax: 1, hdrCapacityMin: 0, maxDisplayBoost: 1, gainMap: new three.Texture(), sdr: new three.Texture() }); return new QuadRenderer({ width: 16, height: 16, type: three.HalfFloatType, colorSpace: three.LinearSRGBColorSpace, material, renderer: this._renderer, renderTargetOptions: this._renderTargetOptions }); } /** * @private * @param quadRenderer * @param metadata * @param sdrBuffer * @param gainMapBuffer */ async render(quadRenderer, metadata, sdrBuffer, gainMapBuffer) { // this is optional, will render a black gain-map if not present const gainMapBlob = gainMapBuffer ? new Blob([gainMapBuffer], { type: 'image/jpeg' }) : undefined; const sdrBlob = new Blob([sdrBuffer], { type: 'image/jpeg' }); let sdrImage; let gainMapImage; let needsFlip = false; if (typeof createImageBitmap === 'undefined') { const res = await Promise.all([ gainMapBlob ? getHTMLImageFromBlob(gainMapBlob) : Promise.resolve(undefined), getHTMLImageFromBlob(sdrBlob) ]); gainMapImage = res[0]; sdrImage = res[1]; needsFlip = true; } else { const res = await Promise.all([ gainMapBlob ? createImageBitmap(gainMapBlob, { imageOrientation: 'flipY' }) : Promise.resolve(undefined), createImageBitmap(sdrBlob, { imageOrientation: 'flipY' }) ]); gainMapImage = res[0]; sdrImage = res[1]; } const gainMap = new three.Texture(gainMapImage || new ImageData(2, 2), three.UVMapping, three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, three.LinearFilter, three.LinearMipMapLinearFilter, three.RGBAFormat, three.UnsignedByteType, 1, three.LinearSRGBColorSpace); gainMap.flipY = needsFlip; gainMap.needsUpdate = true; const sdr = new three.Texture(sdrImage, three.UVMapping, three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, three.ClampToEdgeWrapping, three.LinearFilter, three.LinearMipMapLinearFilter, three.RGBAFormat, three.UnsignedByteType, 1, three.SRGBColorSpace); sdr.flipY = needsFlip; sdr.needsUpdate = true; quadRenderer.width = sdrImage.width; quadRenderer.height = sdrImage.height; quadRenderer.material.gainMap = gainMap; quadRenderer.material.sdr = sdr; quadRenderer.material.gainMapMin = metadata.gainMapMin; quadRenderer.material.gainMapMax = metadata.gainMapMax; quadRenderer.material.offsetHdr = metadata.offsetHdr; quadRenderer.material.offsetSdr = metadata.offsetSdr; quadRenderer.material.gamma = metadata.gamma; quadRenderer.material.hdrCapacityMin = metadata.hdrCapacityMin; quadRenderer.material.hdrCapacityMax = metadata.hdrCapacityMax; quadRenderer.material.maxDisplayBoost = Math.pow(2, metadata.hdrCapacityMax); quadRenderer.material.needsUpdate = true; quadRenderer.render(); } } /** * A Three.js Loader for the gain map format. * * @category Loaders * @group Loaders * * @example * import { GainMapLoader } from '@monogrid/gainmap-js' * import { * EquirectangularReflectionMapping, * LinearFilter, * Mesh, * MeshBasicMaterial, * PerspectiveCamera, * PlaneGeometry, * Scene, * WebGLRenderer * } from 'three' * * const renderer = new WebGLRenderer() * * const loader = new GainMapLoader(renderer) * * const result = await loader.loadAsync(['sdr.jpeg', 'gainmap.jpeg', 'metadata.json']) * // `result` can be used to populate a Texture * * const scene = new Scene() * const mesh = new Mesh( * new PlaneGeometry(), * new MeshBasicMaterial({ map: result.renderTarget.texture }) * ) * scene.add(mesh) * renderer.render(scene, new PerspectiveCamera()) * * // Starting from three.js r159 * // `result.renderTarget.texture` can * // also be used as Equirectangular scene background * // * // it was previously needed to convert it * // to a DataTexture with `result.toDataTexture()` * scene.background = result.renderTarget.texture * scene.background.mapping = EquirectangularReflectionMapping * * // result must be manually disposed * // when you are done using it * result.dispose() * */ class GainMapLoader extends LoaderBase { /** * Loads a gainmap using separate data * * sdr image * * gain map image * * metadata json * * useful for webp gain maps * * @param urls An array in the form of [sdr.jpg, gainmap.jpg, metadata.json] * @param onLoad Load complete callback, will receive the result * @param onProgress Progress callback, will receive a {@link ProgressEvent} * @param onError Error callback * @returns */ load([sdrUrl, gainMapUrl, metadataUrl], onLoad, onProgress, onError) { const quadRenderer = this.prepareQuadRenderer(); let sdr; let gainMap; let metadata; const loadCheck = async () => { if (sdr && gainMap && metadata) { // solves #16 try { await this.render(quadRenderer, metadata, sdr, gainMap); } catch (error) { this.manager.itemError(sdrUrl); this.manager.itemError(gainMapUrl); this.manager.itemError(metadataUrl); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); quadRenderer.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); return; } if (typeof onLoad === 'function') onLoad(quadRenderer); this.manager.itemEnd(sdrUrl); this.manager.itemEnd(gainMapUrl); this.manager.itemEnd(metadataUrl); quadRenderer.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); } }; let sdrLengthComputable = true; let sdrTotal = 0; let sdrLoaded = 0; let gainMapLengthComputable = true; let gainMapTotal = 0; let gainMapLoaded = 0; let metadataLengthComputable = true; let metadataTotal = 0; let metadataLoaded = 0; const progressHandler = () => { if (typeof onProgress === 'function') { const total = sdrTotal + gainMapTotal + metadataTotal; const loaded = sdrLoaded + gainMapLoaded + metadataLoaded; const lengthComputable = sdrLengthComputable && gainMapLengthComputable && metadataLengthComputable; onProgress(new ProgressEvent('progress', { lengthComputable, loaded, total })); } }; this.manager.itemStart(sdrUrl); this.manager.itemStart(gainMapUrl); this.manager.itemStart(metadataUrl); const sdrLoader = new three.FileLoader(this._internalLoadingManager); sdrLoader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); sdrLoader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); sdrLoader.setPath(this.path); sdrLoader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); sdrLoader.load(sdrUrl, async (buffer) => { /* istanbul ignore if this condition exists only because of three.js types + strict mode */ if (typeof buffer === 'string') throw new Error('Invalid sdr buffer'); sdr = buffer; await loadCheck(); }, (e) => { sdrLengthComputable = e.lengthComputable; sdrLoaded = e.loaded; sdrTotal = e.total; progressHandler(); }, (error) => { this.manager.itemError(sdrUrl); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); }); const gainMapLoader = new three.FileLoader(this._internalLoadingManager); gainMapLoader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); gainMapLoader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); gainMapLoader.setPath(this.path); gainMapLoader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); gainMapLoader.load(gainMapUrl, async (buffer) => { /* istanbul ignore if this condition exists only because of three.js types + strict mode */ if (typeof buffer === 'string') throw new Error('Invalid gainmap buffer'); gainMap = buffer; await loadCheck(); }, (e) => { gainMapLengthComputable = e.lengthComputable; gainMapLoaded = e.loaded; gainMapTotal = e.total; progressHandler(); }, (error) => { this.manager.itemError(gainMapUrl); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); }); const metadataLoader = new three.FileLoader(this._internalLoadingManager); // metadataLoader.setResponseType('json') metadataLoader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); metadataLoader.setPath(this.path); metadataLoader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); metadataLoader.load(metadataUrl, async (json) => { /* istanbul ignore if this condition exists only because of three.js types + strict mode */ if (typeof json !== 'string') throw new Error('Invalid metadata string'); // TODO: implement check on JSON file and remove this eslint disable // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment metadata = JSON.parse(json); await loadCheck(); }, (e) => { metadataLengthComputable = e.lengthComputable; metadataLoaded = e.loaded; metadataTotal = e.total; progressHandler(); }, (error) => { this.manager.itemError(metadataUrl); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); }); return quadRenderer; } } /** * A Three.js Loader for a JPEG with embedded gainmap metadata. * * @category Loaders * @group Loaders * * @example * import { HDRJPGLoader } from '@monogrid/gainmap-js' * import { * EquirectangularReflectionMapping, * LinearFilter, * Mesh, * MeshBasicMaterial, * PerspectiveCamera, * PlaneGeometry, * Scene, * WebGLRenderer * } from 'three' * * const renderer = new WebGLRenderer() * * const loader = new HDRJPGLoader(renderer) * * const result = await loader.loadAsync('gainmap.jpeg') * // `result` can be used to populate a Texture * * const scene = new Scene() * const mesh = new Mesh( * new PlaneGeometry(), * new MeshBasicMaterial({ map: result.renderTarget.texture }) * ) * scene.add(mesh) * renderer.render(scene, new PerspectiveCamera()) * * // Starting from three.js r159 * // `result.renderTarget.texture` can * // also be used as Equirectangular scene background * // * // it was previously needed to convert it * // to a DataTexture with `result.toDataTexture()` * scene.background = result.renderTarget.texture * scene.background.mapping = EquirectangularReflectionMapping * * // result must be manually disposed * // when you are done using it * result.dispose() * */ class HDRJPGLoader extends LoaderBase { /** * Loads a JPEG containing gain map metadata * Renders a normal SDR image if gainmap data is not found * * @param url An array in the form of [sdr.jpg, gainmap.jpg, metadata.json] * @param onLoad Load complete callback, will receive the result * @param onProgress Progress callback, will receive a {@link ProgressEvent} * @param onError Error callback * @returns */ load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { const quadRenderer = this.prepareQuadRenderer(); const loader = new three.FileLoader(this._internalLoadingManager); loader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); loader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); loader.setPath(this.path); loader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); this.manager.itemStart(url); loader.load(url, async (jpeg) => { /* istanbul ignore if this condition exists only because of three.js types + strict mode */ if (typeof jpeg === 'string') throw new Error('Invalid buffer, received [string], was expecting [ArrayBuffer]'); const jpegBuffer = new Uint8Array(jpeg); let sdrJPEG; let gainMapJPEG; let metadata; try { const extractionResult = await extractGainmapFromJPEG(jpegBuffer); // gain map is successfully reconstructed sdrJPEG = extractionResult.sdr; gainMapJPEG = extractionResult.gainMap; metadata = extractionResult.metadata; } catch (e) { // render the SDR version if this is not a gainmap if (e instanceof XMPMetadataNotFoundError || e instanceof GainMapNotFoundError) { console.warn(`Failure to reconstruct an HDR image from ${url}: Gain map metadata not found in the file, HDRJPGLoader will render the SDR jpeg`); metadata = { gainMapMin: [0, 0, 0], gainMapMax: [1, 1, 1], gamma: [1, 1, 1], hdrCapacityMin: 0, hdrCapacityMax: 1, offsetHdr: [0, 0, 0], offsetSdr: [0, 0, 0] }; sdrJPEG = jpegBuffer; } else { throw e; } } // solves #16 try { await this.render(quadRenderer, metadata, sdrJPEG, gainMapJPEG); } catch (error) { this.manager.itemError(url); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); quadRenderer.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); return; } if (typeof onLoad === 'function') onLoad(quadRenderer); this.manager.itemEnd(url); quadRenderer.disposeOnDemandRenderer(); }, onProgress, (error) => { this.manager.itemError(url); if (typeof onError === 'function') onError(error); }); return quadRenderer; } } exports.GainMapDecoderMaterial = GainMapDecoderMaterial; exports.GainMapLoader = GainMapLoader; exports.HDRJPGLoader = HDRJPGLoader; exports.JPEGRLoader = HDRJPGLoader; exports.MPFExtractor = MPFExtractor; exports.QuadRenderer = QuadRenderer; exports.decode = decode; exports.extractGainmapFromJPEG = extractGainmapFromJPEG; exports.extractXMP = extractXMP; }));